Is It Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation?

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I'm a Certified Health Coach, longtime blogger, and host of Elizabeth Eats on YouTube. In addition to writing recipes (I love to eat!), I'm a strong believer that life is too short to settle for anything less than living your best life.


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Epstein-Barr virus reactivation is becoming more and more prevalent, and maybe the reason your health has declined or why feel so tired all time. Here’s the full story of how I began my journey to learn about Epstein-Barr (EBV) reactivation.

Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation

(Quickly, this post has gone a bit viral, and I want to say thank you for the overwhelming response to this EBV story! I recommend reading all posts in this EBV series after reading this one, and be sure to get on my email list below the post for future updates and recommendations.)

Is It Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation?

If you had a terrible case of mononucleosis (mono) when you were a child or teen (like I did), or if you often feel low in energy with no explanation, then this post is especially for you.

Before I get into the details of the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) reactivation, discovery, testing, and treatments, I want to mention that I’ve had this post in draft for months. When I sat down to finish this series, I just stared at the screen for an hour.

I took some time to reflect on why this post is so damn hard to write, and here’s what came to me: there is still a lot of confusion in both the modern and alternative medicine worlds about the testing, chronic effects, and treatments for EBV. I’ve worked with two talented naturopaths and discussed this with multiple functional medicine experts. They all tell me the same thing: there just isn’t a lot of information or standardized tests yet to understand the virus. I’m currently working with a medical doctor who specializes in integrative and functional medicine, and we are still working on treatments and understanding the virus.

With that, I’m going to share my story in the hopes that it can help you—in case you also experience low thyroid levels, an autoimmune condition, lethargy, exhaustion, or days when you just plain don’t feel great. 

One last note. This post is much longer than most of my blog posts, but I wanted to give you the full story about Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation. So grab a cuppa tea and cozy up—you’re about to learn why you’ve been so tired with no explanation.

The Backstory

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with reactivated (active?) Epstein-Barr (also known as Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation). I finally had an explanation—or at least the start of an explanation—of why my thyroid levels are so low and why I feel so tired all the time, despite eating well, exercising, and taking pretty darn good care of myself and my health.

My diagnosis came after I read The Medical Medium and requested an Epstein-Barr test from my naturopath. More on the book and testing in a minute. But first, you need to hear the (waaay) backstory in case something similar has happened to you.

The Way Backstory

I had strep throat a lot as a kid. It started to get really bad in my early teens, and it seemed like I was in the walk-in clinic every other month being put on another round of antibiotics to clear up the strep. (The dozens of rounds of antibiotics caused an entirely different issue—an unhealthy gut bacteria balance that I’ve been able to clear up with real food, avoiding processed foods, and consuming fermented foods and probiotics, but we’ll talk about that in another post.)

My mom grew weary of the cycles of strep and asked the doctors if there was anything we could do. They suggested having my tonsils out. Fifteen is old to have tonsil surgery, but after consulting with different people, my parents decided it was the right decision. I had my tonsils out, which really cleared up the strep, but I never fully recovered from the surgery. Between the hard detox off the anesthesia and the wicked case of mono I developed, I just never really felt 100% again.

Side note: Much later on, while reading The Medical Medium, he talks about strep being a co-infection to mononucleosis, which made SO much sense in this story. I had no idea that was the case 20 years ago, and neither did any doctor I had ever encountered.

Back to the mono. In the six months after the tonsillectomy, I was so tired I could barely get out of bed. It’s normal for a teenager to sleep a lot, but it was getting worse by the day. I was an active dancer and cheerleader and at a healthy weight. I ate pretty well for what we knew back then, but despite being seemingly healthy, I was exhausted all. the. time. My mom took me back to the doctor, and one test later, it was clear that I had mono. Mono is really common amongst teens, so they just told me to rest and that it would pass.

I slowly recovered from the acute mono, as most teens do, but just like when I had the surgery, I never felt completely better.

Another side note: I wish I had a cool story about getting mono, but I was such a prude that it wasn’t even from kissing cute boys under the bleachers or anything like that. I probably got it from sharing pop (yes, we still call soda “pop” in the northwest) with friends. [And eeew, I used to drink a lot of pop in the days before I was a health coach.] It doesn’t really matter how I got mono, what matters is that I was so sick I missed almost an entire semester of my junior year of high school. I started to recover slowly but surely, but never regained full steam.

The next year, a week before graduation, I’m climbing the stairs at school and suddenly have to sit down. I’m winded—a strange phenomenon for a teen who was a dancer her entire life. A friend walked me to the nurse’s office and I ended up at the doctor that day. A blood panel would reveal that my thyroid levels were so low that I needed to get on medication that very same night. Again, I’m only 17 years old when this happens.

Over the next 10 or so years, I popped that thyroid medication every morning and didn’t think much of it. Except, just like before, I never really felt 100% better. A little, sure. But something always felt off. Between bottomed-out energy levels and a few pounds that I just couldn’t seem to shake, I lived my way into my thirties figuring I’d just have to accept the fate that for some reason, my thyroid quit working.

Getting Tested for Reactivated Epstein-Barr

But then I discovered the idea of Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation.

I had my annual physical coming up with my naturopath to have my thyroid medication renewed, and in our meeting, I mentioned that I had just read a book that hypothesized that the virus could be the root cause of my thyroid issues. I knew that a traditional western medicine doctor would have thought I was looney for even asking, but I knew my naturopathic doctor would at least hear me out.

Doctor: “Yes, I’ve been hearing this a lot lately, so I read the book. It’s not that it’s unfounded, but you aren’t presenting with symptoms of active or reactivated Epstein-Barr.”

Me: “I totally hear you, but is it easy to test for? Just for peace of mind?” I said, as she did the thing where doctors take notes about you that feel like complete and utter judgment on a page.

Doctor:Well, there isn’t standardized testing, but we can check the level of antibodies. One will always show positive for a past infection, but the other will indicate a recent infection. And if that second one is high, we can suspect reactivation because your body has recently been fighting the virus and we know you had mono 17 years ago. But just so you know, I’m writing in my notes that you do not present with [currently accepted] symptoms of Chronic Epstein-Barr.”

Ha! There was the judgy note. But I didn’t mind; she was just doing her job. She’s a great doctor and a really good person.

Me: “How much does it cost?”

Doctor: “$40.”

Me: Feeling like it was a no-brainer just for the reassurance (and to appease my curiosity), I said, “Great, let’s do it!”

10 days later, she called me and said, “Oh my God, you were right—the antibodies that show recent infection are sky-high.”

I felt so validated—finally!—that I was NOT crazy and making it up. All of my other lab tests except my thyroid panel were normal. Quite a few doctors had told me that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. But alas, I’d been walking around with a version of reactivated Epstein-Barr, which for me, felt like another case of mono, which comes along with a whole host of other issues.

There are not any (NONE, ZIP, ZERO) treatments for EBV in the current western medicine landscape. Crazy, right?!

Some practitioners don’t even recognize it (along with Lyme) as a disease, which is so sad, because it affects so many people. Once I started researching alternative treatments to calm the virus, everything changed. I felt better than I had in years after having a blood ozone treatment (Major Autohemotherapy) and incorporating a few natural antivirals into my routine. I’ll write about all of those things in my next blog post, so stay tuned.

Another side note: I also want to mention that the term “reactivated Epstein-Barr” isn’t really standardized either and can mean different things to different practitioners. Some will use the term “chronic EBV” or “chronic reactivated EBV.” That’s how little research is available on this topic. I’m using this term here because it seems to explain best what I’m talking about.

The Medical Medium Book (Truth, or Complete Nonsense?)

I have to admit, reading The Medical Medium (Hay House, 2015) was a big leap of faith for me. I believe in Spirit, but I also believe in science. I didn’t take the leap lightly, so I would invite you to read the entire book and see for yourself what you think. I almost quit after the second chapter, but I’m glad I didn’t.

Regardless of if you believe in his backstory, the information in that book is having a dramatic effect on the way western medical doctors (and alternative practitioners alike) are looking at autoimmune disease. Additionally, according to one of my naturopaths, this book is not the first time someone has hypothesized that autoimmune conditions can in fact be caused by chronic viruses (So maybe they’re onto something!).

Emerging Info about Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation

In case you’re curious and think you might have a similar situation, here are some quick notes.

According to the National Institute of Health, the Epstein-Barr Virus is a “ubiquitous human lymphotropic herpesvirus,” meaning it: is a member of the herpes family of viruses, can cause lymphoma-type cancers, and is present in just about everyone. About 95% of the population carries the virus. Once infected with EBV, you carry the virus for the rest of your life.

EBV isn’t anything new. But, as I stated above, modern medicine barely understands it. Western medicine says that we all have it, that some of us get mononucleosis from it, and that it then lives in us, dormant, forever. Modern thought and progressive researchers are now starting to understand that it can reactivate and/or cause a whole host of chronic issues, including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and even some types of cancers.

Additionally, some researchers and health experts now believe that chronic active viral infections, such as EBV, may be the root cause of autoimmune conditions issues such as Hashimoto’s and lupus, and may be responsible for chronic illnesses like MS and Lyme disease. EBV can also be what’s considered a co-infection to Lyme disease.

One theory is that EBV becomes deeply embedded in your organ tissue over time. Then as your immune system tries to fight the virus, it appears to be attacking the organ.

Hello misdiagnosed autoimmune conditions. Which is what happened to me.

I had very slightly elevated thyroid antibodies at one point and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune thyroid condition. I definitely had very low thyroid levels, but the idea of an autoimmune condition didn’t sit well with me. Why would my body attack itself? And none of the Hashimoto’s protocols or natural treatments made me feel any different. When I learned that my EBV antibodies were sky-high, it all made sense.

I didn’t have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I had an overzealous Epstein-Barr infection still lingering from mono 17 years previously.

My Current Epstein-Barr Reactivation Testing & Treatment

I’ve felt great for the last few years, but I’ve been extra-tired recently. I blamed it on my schedule, travel, and work (that I love!), but over the past month, I knew something was off.

A blood test in June showed very elevated EBV antibodies again (the type that shows a recent infection). There are only a few tests that even look for antibodies, and like I mentioned above, 95% of the population will show some sort of antibodies since we’re all infected with the virus. But if your antibodies pass a certain threshold, your body is actively trying to fight the virus (the reference range is below 9; mine was over 40).

Here’s where it gets tricky: there isn’t a standardized test for this. Different labs show different results. Some show a pass/fail/yes/no result, and some show a level-based result. I’ve written more about the EBV tests I’ve had and show you examples in my next post, because this blog post is already twice as long as most of my posts. 😉

Remember, healing is never linear. You are your own best health advocate. We must stay vigilant and pay attention to how we feel in our bodies, and advocate for proper testing and treatment if something feels off.

EBV Healing

Don’t feel discouraged if this post speaks to you! There are steps you can take. I’ll post more over the next few weeks with the details about testing and alternative treatments for EBV. Hang in there!

If you’ve been feeling really off, tired or sluggish, or have uncontrollable thyroid issues, consider working with a naturopath for an EBV test. Again, more on this in the next post.

How to Take Action:

1. Buy (or borrow) a copy and read The Medical Medium.

2. Leave a comment below and let us know if you’ve experienced similar issues, and/or if you suspect EBV is causing issues for you, too (or if you’ve already tested and gotten an answer!).

3. Stay on my email list for future updates, real food recipes, and healthy living inspiration. I share weekly-ish recipes, tips, and notes with my VIP email community. You can subscribe to my newsletter below this post to get your free recipe ebook and special updates.

4. Be gentle with yourself. 🙂 And read the next posts in this series with tons more information.

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  1. Gayle Temkin says:

    I just had a blood test in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico. The alternative MD physician did a regular blood profile, which turned out good but it showed that I had an elevated EBV count of 420 and Salmonella. Now I understand why sometimes I get so tired, nauseated, etc but I don’t know what to do with this condition and I don’t know how bad it is either because the doctor had limited English. More about what the doctor prescribed, which I am not doing right now.

    • Jennifer says:

      I experienced recurrent strep all throughout childhood just like you did. I also experienced one of those occassions when I was so sick with strep that my joints were severely swollen and sore. This was by far my worst strep case. I even developed scarlet fever as as a child where it became so bad that my skin peeled. Throughout my childhood I fought not only strep, but major earaches and infections, along with bouts of severe hives. I finally seemed to “grow out” of this and became somewhat normal without the bouts of strep or earaches and infections, but still dealt with major cases of hives. In college, I accidentally picked up a coworkers drink that I thought was mine and picked up fever blisters (aka herpes) on my mouth. At 32 years old, I developed chickenpox (which I did not ever have as a child). Strange thing is it was a mild case of them. Then bam! After that, I became sick with the flu and my body took off….I stayed sick at 32 with a period of illness for almost 6 months where I developed bronchitis and had a hard time shaking it. Then from that pint on, I experienced patches of colds, sinus infections, bronchitis, and the list goes on. Finally, I was tested for asthma at 36 and found that I have it and was allergic to 95 percent of everything they tested for to include wheat and soy (hence my experiences with hives and likely the ear infections and also the bronchitis). I was treated for allergies with shots for 3 years and have tested negative for those particular allergens now. Then in my forties I became sick again all the time with something and would have trouble recovering from it all quickly. At 46 I developed the flu, pneumonia, some other viral infection, and bronchitis. I managed to stay out of the hospital with the help of 2 great doctors and my mind for knowing how to help it.
      (Oh, I forgot….I was hospitalized with pneumonia at 2.) Then at 48 years old, I developed shingles. So….at this point I have had a total of 3 herpes viruses invade my body…..fever blisters, chickenpox, shingles. Then in 2018 (at 49 years old) I became severely sick with the worst sore throat I can ever remember having and so fatigued I couldn’t function. Strep and flu tests showed nothing, so a physician assistant spot tested for mono. That test was negative and I was sent home with….well you probably have a viral of some kind. (Sometime in between 40 and 49 I was also diagnosed with rosacea, acne rosacea, ocular rosacea, blepharitis, cataracts, eczema, and fibromyalgia. And my shingles case above was only the worst burning and tingling and never turned into the blisters due to me beginning antiviral meds and having a steroid injection. But I suffered from post herpetic neuralgia afterwards for two years. And my doctor thought I could have some autoimmune response similar to lupus or RA because all the joints in my body hurt, I become nauseous, dizzy, have headaches for no reason, and numerous other things. I also forgot to mention that I struggle with migraines since a child and as a pregnant adult at 36 those migraines changed to include visual auras before those migraines.) So at 49, I went home determined I was destined to die when my “viral” diagnosis turned into lightning pains in my chest, leg, and arm and I experienced some slight paralysis in those areas and could not bear to move them or have them touched. I finally refused to go back to that physicians assistant and requested an appointment with my actual doctor. He immediately knew upon seeing me that I was sick as I have an extremely high tolerance for pain. He looked through the PAs notes and said why did she not do an EBV titer. I had no clue what he was speaking of completely, but had heard the letters before. He then explained that the quick.mono spot test was not entirely reliable to diagnose mono. He ran the ebv titers and also cytomegalovirus titers. It appears from those that I was in the past infected by both cytomegalovirus and mono. BUT what WE weren’t prepared for was the extremely high numbers for a reactivated case of mono. So I became not only reactivated with mono, but then it was clear why I struggled with diarrhea since my liver tests were also off likely due to the ebv infection. It took almost a year to begin to feel some better, but I still struggled. Then I experienced issues againand added an experience with my neck swelling. I had an ultrasound of neck lymph nodes and had 3 show issues in ultrasound, so he checked ebv titers and found them high again. So I was back to a 3rd reactivation of mono! He decided then to consult an infectious disease doctor and do research of his own. He decided to give me an antiviral and steroid injection. This seems to help me get through it. I know they aren’t great for me, but they helped. He has now termed me as having chronic epstein barr. He has also said that it is like I get sick with a cold, a bladder infection, the flu, or whatever and my body sees whatever is going on and decides to attack like I have mono and reactivates the epstein barr or something like that..
      I really can’t explain it the way he did. But what I experience and what you do isn’t rare apparently. Doctors just don’t know that much still. I am thankful my doctor has a clue and sees everything I have experienced for what it is
      But with the fourth herpes virus in my body, he is positive my body is overrun and cannot fight like normal. Stranger still? My now 14 year old s9n started at six months old sort of like me with illness, then pnemonia at 2, asthma diagbosis, allergic to 95 percent of things tested for, them his strep and scarlet fever experiences. Finally, when I was experiencing my second mono, he began to mimic my sore throat and fatigue and pains in left side and then the paralysis in chest, leg, and arm and major lightning pains. He was diagnosed with a.past infection of mono and a current reactivated case of mono and enlarged spleen. He had a hard bout with it. Then when I went thru my 3rd bout with mono, he also began to exhibit left side pain and fatigue and sore throat again. He also was found to have a 3rd reactivated case of mono and another enlarged spleen! How is it possible in the same household? I am now reading of some research on this coronavirus and why some exhibit symptoms and also some have serious issues while others experience no symptoms of coronavirus at all. Those conducting the research believe it has to do with EBV. They wonder if contracting coronoavirus perhaps stimulates those with ebv to perhaps have a reactivated case and perhaps why they have symptoms and even adverse issues. Is it possible? I definitely pray my son and I don’t contract coronavirus, but if we do I will ask for ebv titers to be done for possible reactivation and will request antiviral meds like acyclovir and perhaps ask my own doctor about a steriod injection to go with that. Perhaps if it is found the ebv research into this new virus pans out then maybe we will get more research into ebv and a possible treatment? Or better?

      • Maud says:


        I have just read your entire comment
        I would highly highly highly suggest you read the book mentionned in the blog post: Medical Medium by Anthony William
        I promise you’ll find the answers to aaaaall the questions you wrote down, in that book and the next ones of the series

        I hope you’ll be able to heal soon 🙂

      • JESSIE says:

        Can you send the links to research connecting Coronavirus with EBV. One week after quarantine I’ve come down pretty sick with strong positive EBV. I’ve had no symptoms since I had EBV 25 years ago. It’s just weird to me that it would return now during CVD. I’d live to read more about the possible connections.

    • MolY says:

      Omg I am so happy that I found your blog. I’ve got mono 5 years ago and since then I never felt the same again. Feeling tired, lots of joint pain and more importantly I get so leision in my mouth that they don’t go away. I even did biopsy on them but it didn’t show anything. Does anyone else have this problem? For sure I am going to ask my Dr to write the whole EBV test for me. But thank you, I don’t feel I am alone and crazy anymore!

  2. Nancy Galloway says:

    Hi Elizabeth! I was just diagnosed with recurrent EBV.(wonderful hearing this during a pandemic 😜). I’m actually relieved to have an actual cause of my exhaustion. I feel I’ve been dealing with the exhaustion for a long time. My thyroid T3 has dropped significantly and my integrative doctor increased my THROID medication. But also suggested OZONE, he’s one of the few that does it in his office. My question for you is how often do you do the ozone/ days apart? I had one Thursday and have another one in a week! He told me 1-2 weekly for a few weeks. When do you start feeling better? Thanks…Nancy

  3. Mary says:

    It started with mono in 7th grade and have felt like I never recovered. Life changed completely from that point on. It was complete exhaustion . Always fatigued and could fall asleep anytime anywhere. Migraines, strep, sinus infections, IBS, viral meningitis, depression, panic attacks, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s, hypoglycemic, and adrenals on the brink of collapsing. I always knew it had to be connected to mono!

  4. Mary says:

    Validation finally!! I had mono at age 11 and life has never been the same. RA symptoms started 12 years ago with diagnoses years later after being told it’s all in my head, I am nuts, lazy and selfish etc. I have been exausted ever since, constantly sick, in pain, depressed and belittled by family over it as a bonus. I haven’t seen much talk about depression but know it is connected. I received my positive EBV results, fell on this blog and read the medical medium all yesterday. I was driving listening to the audio with tears running down my face hollering YES! YES! This is it!! Finally! Then…oh God lord. Now what?

  5. Pippa says:

    I first got EBV when I was 17, and I’ve had several strong reactivations since, one of which actually went to my eye and has caused blind spots. I was good for a couple years, now following a move abroad I have suffered a couple of times from the typical viral headache and general fatigue – so I think it’s come back. The most frustrating part is I can’t seem to get a solid answer off doctors. Like you said, most of them don’t take me seriously when I mention EBV and I am just left as lost as before. I want confirmation it is EBV so I don’t feel crazy! Currently in a stage of presumed reactivation now, just waiting to feel better again. All the best with your journey!

  6. jacques Miller says:

    I loved this page. I have been feeling horrible for the last 4 years and two years ago I decided to visit a naturopathic Dr. We ran blood test and found that my EBV antibodies were off the charts. (over 600). I have been on a whole-plant based diet for over two years and while my overall health is incredible I haven’t had much luck with my neurological issues. I have just discovered the ozone therapy you talked about and I can’t wait to try it. I have an appointment in two weeks. Thank you so much!

    • Hi Jacques, so glad you found it helpful! Keep us posted after your ozone treatments! ~E

      • Kristina says:

        I also just received off the chart high levels of EBV VCA IgG >750 and EBV Nuclear Ag IgG >600 however I was negative for EBV VCA IgM and had a low maybe positive level of EBV Early AG igG. Not sure if I Am about to go through reactivation or if I am getting past one. But this forum makes me feel so much better I am not alone.

  7. Alanna says:

    I had some dental injections over the summer and my last one was Nov 18th. The next day I was in the store and felt like I was going to black out. My whole body was shaking and blood pressure super high. I felt dizzy and like I was falling. Went to the ER and they diagnosed me as “near fainting spell”. Well I haven’t felt normal since. Extreme fatigue, dizzy, lightheaded, nervous stomach, shaky, weak, anxious. Finally got EBV bloodwork done after a doctor suspected something viral when I mentioned I take L-Lysine for small fiber neuropathy. I just started the anti-viral protocol today. I’m on day 6 of celery juice. My fatigue has actually gotten better in the past week, but the anxiety is awful. I have never felt like this in my whole life. I’m scared to live. Lights and sounds are too much for me so I can barely go anywhere. Sometimes I feel like I’m falling. That part is what is confusing doctors. The lightheadedness and horrible anxiety. I’m so glad I found your site. I can’t handle living like this. I’m praying the anti-virals will start working quickly.

  8. I just read your blog and feel so vindicated. I am purchasing The Medical Medium today as well as reading the remaining blogs. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and have been reading several books on the root cause. I recently had swollen lymph nodes everywhere, fatigue, but no fever. I strongly encouraged the doctor to run every conceivable blood test…cost is not important if your health is at issue. I told him my suspicion of EBV reactivation. You mentioned your test was over 40. My same test was 128! The prescription was rest and fluids. I told the doc, “Good luck with that.” I work more than full time in a very active profession. Thank you for sharing your story. I look forward to reading the rest.

  9. Brian says:

    “Not wise to curse” – Karma

  10. Teresa says:

    Hi I’m hoping maybe you can help me out here.
    I have a copy of my (EBV) Profile, Chronic, Active Infection.

    My EBV Ab VCA, IgG level came back 212.0 H

    My EBV Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG level came back 360.0 H

    I feel horrible and have now for years with each year slowly getting worse.

    My question is what do these High levels mean.
    Several doctors I have gone to and showed this blood work to say it’s nothing to worry about

  11. Fiona says:

    Hi – thank you so much for this great post. I recently read The Medical Medium and it really rang bells for me. I had mono in my early 20s and I felt like the fatigue never really went away 100%. After the birth of my son I had recurrent tonsillitis – so much so that they wanted to remove my tonsils, even though I was 38 or 39 at the time. I resisted because I didn’t want surgery with a young baby. Again, I suffered an all-enveloping fatigue which was more than fatigue due to a baby. I was then diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse; I’ll never know whether this was as a result of the continual strep throat or whether I was born with it.

    I’ve always found my symptoms (fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, anxiety and back and joint pain) far worse in the fall. This year, I’ve been taking a number of supplements recommended by The Medical Medium, and overall I feel I’m coping better than usual…

    I will be so interested to read any further articles you write about this.

  12. Maura J says:

    Hi, great site & appreciate all the info and reading about your stories. I’m a 55 yr old female diagnosed with mono in December of 2018. Currently unwell with same symptoms since end of August 2019
    My question is….is it possible to have mononucleosis again with a negative “ebv dna by pcr test” ? Any help would be appreciated. I asked for the ebv panel & I was not tested for mononucleosis. Also, how long do most wait for lab results? I’ve waited 6 and 7 days for labs & I’m always making the contact, very frustrating!!
    Thanks very much ✌

  13. Chelsea says:

    So I just got diagnosed with reactivated Epstein Barr. I’m 32 and was misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia at 25/26. I relate to so much of this, but my thyroid has just been inconsistent. Like when I got the blood results with the EBV diagnosis, my thyroid looked great. So basically, is what she called reactivate or recurrent Epstein Barr the same as Chronic Active Epstein Barr? I can’t seem to find out if they are the same or different online.

  14. Ashley says:

    OMG this is legit my life right now! I would LOVE to talk to you as I’m trying to have a baby and just got told the EBV is active.

  15. AMANDA L GRAVES says:

    My son had mono last year, about a year later he started complaining about swim practice being too hard. I said to my sister…” It’s like he has mono again!!!” And she said maybe he did…
    Which got me thinking he was anemic, like when he had mono. I put him on iron and a week later it was like a different teenager.

  16. Robin says:

    EBV is a real virus and could cause real problems. HOWEVER, I would not be so quick to believe someone who writes a book claiming to get medical advice from voices in his head. I think it highly likely that he is a con artist making use of the latest memes in alternative medicine to make a quick buck.

  17. Brandy says:

    I relate to this all too much!!! In February of this year I went to my Primary doctor complaining of intense fatigue and flu like symptoms (low grade fever, chills and body aches) and a rash that seemed to follow. The symptoms would come and go and all seemed to start after I had my son 8 years ago. Previous doctors dismissed my symptoms and fatigue as being a working mom and one even tried to tell me that I had Seasonal Effectiveness Disorder. I knew this was incorrect and just simply gave up for a period of years. Fast forward back to this February when I tried a new primary and he actually listened and ran a blood panel. It came back positive with EBV and Celiac Disease!! I saw a gastroenterologist and had an Endoscopy and Biopsy done to confirm the Celiac and am now on a gluten free diet. I also was referred to a Rheumatologist for all of the body aches and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I was feeling a little better for a few months then WHAM! All of the symptoms came back so back to the doctor I went. I just received the news that my EBV levels are still showing an active infection and now have been referred to an immunologist. I have yet to get that appointment scheduled. Thinking back I could not remember ever having mono as a child but in reading this post and hearing that the virus is linked to the herpes virus that causes fever blisters and virus that causes chickenpox all of a sudden it became clear to me that I am pretty sure that I have been battling EBV much longer than just this past year. When I was a baby I had a horrible bout of fever blisters and about a year after that a horrendous case of chicken pox. Years later my digestive system was plagued in elementary school and I was eventually told I was lactose intolerant. I think I contracted the virus as a baby and it has plagued my body ever since. Something triggered it after I gave birth to my son and for the last 8 years it has progressively gotten worse and more frequent. Reading this article has given me hope as battling an invisible disease like this is draining mentally at times. People don’t seem to understand that you don’t feel well because you look ok on the outside. I will be asking the immunologist about all of this and seeking a more natural way of medicine going forward. Thank you for sharing this article and giving people like myself hope!! 💕

  18. Ann says:

    Hello! I have been battling chronic EBV for about 8 years. The most recent ‘reactivation” ha slats nearly 9 months and I’m fed up. My tonsils are destroyed and on top of the fatigue I get frequent sore throat. I am on the fence about a tonsillectomy. I really want the “quick fix” of it, but also know that their are benefits to having them. Were you glad you got your tonsils removed? Do you do anything to compensate for things like the cancer fighting cell production that tonsils have?

  19. Jayne says:

    I’ve had a thyroid nodule for about 5 years, and low energy for a loong time… Since having mono in highschool? I’m 56 now. Recent labs showed excellent numbers in everything (I take very good care of myself) except very high thyroid antibodies. So I got my EBV levels checked. Just got my lab results yesterday, and haven’t been able to get an explanation from my naturopath yet. The VCA, IgG and Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG are flagged High at >600!

    I have read Medical Medium. I am taking Lauricidin and other supps. I will overcome this to feel vibrant again!

    Thanks for this information and opportunity to share.


    I too have been recently diagnosed with chronic reactivated epstein barr virus (antibodies at 114) and have never felt worse in my life. This is on top of a chronic fatigue diagnosis 9 years ago that I battle off and on. I’ve also just been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease, out of the blue, and I’m wondering if there is a connection. My rheumatologist said my number were high normal so i could get an autoimmune in the future. I also have Raynaud’s Syndrome. Prior to this, I’ve been very healthy my whole life. (I just turned a young 62). Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Victoria 🙂

  21. Laura says:

    Hi Elizabeth

    I read your post on EBV, because I googled this topic, and it really resonated. I similarly had a tonsillectomy and mono about 14 years ago. The reason why I was googling is because every time I compromise my immune system a little bit (a big night out drinking or an international flight), I get a sore throat accompanied by fatigue, headache, possibly fever, and insomnia. It’s almost predictable. Could this be EBV reactivated?


  22. C. Lawrence says:

    Very Interesting!
    My EBV tests showed EBV Ab VCA lgG LC of 403 when the normal range is 0.0 – 17.9. The glands in my neck were swollen and I was feeling tired. Concurrently, iron tested low and related blood tests pointed to anemia. Is there an interaction between the EBV and iron components in blood tests? I had mono nearly 50 years earlier.

  23. Donna says:

    I am 52 and came down with mono at age 40. Thank goodness that my doctor at the time tested me for everything – lupus, lymes, mono. It took me a good year to get over it and even then I would have what I always call “flare ups”. They would last a few days to a week. Now my symptoms are a little different. I’ve gotten over the exhaustion but when I have a flare up it is mostly incredibly ache joints and muscles. I describe it as feeling like you are coming down with the flu. Now though I have started feeling very tired and the achy joints and muscles are the worst they have been in years. I do find that triggers for me are stress and some food but mostly stress. I am right now preparing for a large conference next month at my one job and working full time at my other job so I am extremely stressed out. I get up and exercise every morning at 4:00 a.m. and usually that helps but the joint and muscle pain make it very hard right now. I’ve found hot baths and ibuprofen to help. As you have said – there is no cure and you just have to listen to your body and see what works. I have found a good doctor that understands chronic EBV since my first doctor who diagnosed me and have found a lot of doctors disregard you. Thanks for your blog – it helps knowing that there are other folks out there that are in the same boat as myself.

  24. Debbie says:

    I was recently tested for reactivated EBV and my level is 48. Good to know why I’m frequently exhausted and now I want to find ways to get better. Will definitely read your blog posts on this. Thanks!!

  25. Julie says:

    In February I was diagnosed with mono for the third time in my life. I just had a checkup at the end of July and my doctor says that my results show a recent past infection but my symptoms are still here and my numbers are still high. Can anyone tell me if these numbers show recent active infection? Trying to interpret these test results is so confusing….

    Epstein Barr virus capsid IgG Ab >600.0
    Epstein Barr virus early IgG Ab 28.4
    EBV Nuclear AG AB IGG 473.0

    What does all this mean??

    Also, very grateful to have found this blog. Medical doctors here have no idea how to treat EBV.

  26. Elizabeth says:

    Just found your blog and I am sitting here in tears as I am reading. This describes my life!! Chronic strep as a kid, mono as a teenager, hypothyroid in my 30s and still feel like crap in my 50s. I’ve been in and out of doctors for the last 2 years trying to find out why I feel so bad. They wouldn’t listen or help. I finally went to my therapist – everyone was telling me I was crazy! I told her that I felt that this was something physical and that we couldn’t “counsel” me out of it but I was there as a last resort. I know all about self-care and I was doing everything I knew to do. She listened – and she agreed. She also referred me to a D.O. that listened and ran a ton of blood work. Finally, today, they went over my results. I have reactivated EBV and Lyme disease. Some thyroid antibodies that point towards Hashimoto’s but I am learning that this is more effect than cause. We put together a treatment plan and I will follow up in a couple of months. I finally have hope!!!!

  27. Jill Kolivoski says:

    Thank you for confirming all of this information I knew deep down in my heart. Fascinating that you align with the Medical Medium because I bought liver rescue but have yet to read it. I know he covers this topic but I wanted to google the topic and see what popped up. I had a horrible case in 9th grade and was in bed for 4 months. After that I was never the same, as you said all the doctors told me I was fine. I’ve done adrenal protocols for 5+years; I’ve flushed my liver every 4 weeks for 3 years; I’ve bought and used any supplement that I was told will help me. Not only am I constantly “tired/off”, but I get sick/sinus infection type illnesses if I don’t get sleep and get run down. At one point like you the doctor gave me the strongest dose of antibiotics every month. I knew that had to be a better way so I’ve not taken antibiotics since 2004. I just use colloidal silver every time I get sick but this bought has bed ridden me. I’m a natural professional bodybuilder and with a few night of travel and no sleep, I’m now bed ridden and sick again. My throat is swollen and brings me cellular memories of the horrific days in 9th grade. The body aches hurt so bad. The greenish drainage from all of this goes dormant and comes back with a vengeance. It’s been muscle testing this is EBV and I need to get this fixed. I’ll do whatever it takes. Whatever. I’ve even practiced UT in hopes that would fix it. Sigh. I look forward to figuring this out. Right now I’ll take my lemon balm and ashwaganda and try and find more remedies. Thank you for your help.

  28. Tali Amar says:

    I have had the craziest symptoms of 2.5 months of chronic nausea. It was everyday, some days were terrible and other tolerable. As soon as that ended I began feeling numbness in my left arm and then left leg and then within a couple of days my entire body lost sensation to touch! I could feel being touched but it is as if my skin lost sensation. It’s been 4 rough months and just yesterday, my new doctor gave me the results of the EBV of which the antibodies are active and high. Have you ever heard of these symptoms due to this virus??

  29. Catherine Poulson says:

    I’ve been researching my reactivated EBV and escalating EBV antibodies for 4 years now. All doctors keep telling me it’s not a big deal. Then the autoimmune diagnosis came. I KNEW IT HAD TO BE CONNECTED TO THE EBV. Then, I had a seizures. An ER trip and weeks of testing confirmed I am totally normal. Doctors STILL said it wasn’t connected to EBV – but I knew it had to be. I eat so healthy and take good care of myself. Plus I gave up drinking and eating sugar to tackle this EBV. A second seizure led me to a functional neurologist who tested my iron. I have like none. The EBV ate all of my iron (even though I was taking a supplement). The low iron caused the seizure and the autoimmune disease. It’s all becoming clearer – but it’s taking time and a lot of effort on my part. There are no easy answers. New iron supplements are helping me. I feel great. I am afraid they will start feeding the EBV soon – and I’m prepared to eat a lot of celery. 😉 Happy I found your site. Thank you.

  30. Angel says:

    I was dx with Epstein Barr when I was 38. the Dr. said my titer was so high he didn’t know how I got in his office. I was in bed and out of work for 4 months and relapsed quite frequently for years…it’s been 15 years since I have had a relapse until now…I am 65…been sick for 7 months, Dr kept blowing me off telling me it was a virus , I would feel better in a few days…I did and then within a week or so I was back in bed, fatigue, chills, knee and shoulder pain. muscle weakness…..I finally put my foot down as he was telling me he thought I had a chronic sinus infection, I have had 2 in my life and knew that’s not what it was and told him, I felt like I did when I was dx with Epstein Barr, ,many years before….horrible sore throat and crippling fatigue. this is the way all relapses have started with me…the sore throat first…..he did blood work , didn’t think that’s what it was but would test me anyway. I just got the call and was told normal is around 15, my levels are over 600….how does this happen,? why? it’s link to cancers has me very uncomfortable now…I had lung cancer removed and have been clean for 5 years…..can stress, bring this on? a head cold?

  31. Erin says:

    I am in a reactivation now (and I had to demand the test to “prove” it too). My MD doesn’t really recognize chronic EBV at a valid thing. I’m so frustrated and so tired of being sick and tired. Your story sounds so much like mine (from the chronic step to mono to extreme fatigue). I hope hopeful your experience can help me. Thanks for writing about it.

  32. Laura says:

    Hi Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing your story. Five years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and 4 other confections. I had been dealing with crazy symptoms for 10 years prior though. So I was turned away by many physicians telling me that I was fine. ( ugh) I had a foot operation that I never needed to have, my fitness career came to a halt as well. 2 years ago I was in remission and loving life, playing tennis ,going to the gym and feeling motivated. Then, last year all my symptoms returned when my Dr. wanted me to cut back on my T3 medication . ………After finding a new Dr. ( functional medicine Dr.) I have finally been diagnosed with reactivated Epstein Barr virus.! The fatigue has been ridiculous and I feel like I lost many months of my life just laying around resting. I too found the Medical Medium books and have been drinking the celery juice. I feel it has helped me absorb my thyroid meds and supplements fully. You have a similar story as I do . I danced in college getting my BFA in Modern dance. And then went on to have a career in fitness. All the activity is probably what did me in ,carrying an unknown virus,. I turned a corner this month and I attribute it to the celery juice, adding in more antivirals, insisting on supporting my thyroid with T3 and incorporating endermologie and infrared blanket wraps. The endermologie helped unblock my lymph nodes and the infrared wraps were detoxing and joint soothing. Just this week I reopened my gym membership! While I know I am not in the clear , life is starting to look up. Thank you for access to some wonderful recipes and information. I am imagining many people are going through this undiagnosed……….. glad you are feeling better too!

  33. Jessica says:

    Its been years with EBV. I have read Medical Medium after studying all types of other resources, and it makes sense and aligns with other studies. I have not been able to get a grasp on the virus. using supplements, mostly because of inconsistency. I am excited to study your information.

    • Hi Jessica, Some of it is still a mystery but we can all continue to learn as we go. I post updates on my blog often, so check back and dive into all of the info that is already here. Wishing you well! ~E

  34. Heather says:

    Oh my goodness! I’ve sick for the last year. My doctors have tested me for everything. Lupus, RA, Thyroid…. all negative. Then, like a shot in the dark, she decided to test me for EBV. My labs were off the charts! I still am not sure what they mean, other than they are positive. I finally have a diagnosis…. AND IT MAKES TOTAL SENSE!
    I now have something to work with. And although the information about EBV is a little vague and overwhelming, I’m excited to have something to fight and that it’s not just in my head. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

  35. Regal says:

    Hi Elizabeth, I’ve never been diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus but I feel that this could be my problem too. I too have hashimoto’s, I never feel fully well, recently been diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, the exhaustion is debilitating. I have recently read the medical medium and it sparked a thought and now that I’ve read your story, I’d like to get tested. I suspect this is my problem

  36. Rhonda Jolliffe says:

    I just read your EBV update. I have taken a break the past year from Social media/blog reading. Been following you however for sometime and a B schooler through you. I’m a functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner and have some suggestions for you. I don’t see you mention LDN(low dose naltrexone). This has been a game changer for my thyroid and autoimmune patients the past 3 years I’ve been prescribing. If you haven’t checked it out. Please do! The trick to it is finding the right dosing for you. Best wishes on your journey! Warmly, Rhonda

  37. Kristin says:

    Thank you for posting this! I was diagnosed a few months ago with CEBV. I’m working with a naturopath to find the best course of action but so far, it’s been very stubborn and my viral load is still “sky high”. I’m also going in for surgery next week for a full hysterectomy (a separate issue that just happens to be occurring at the same time? The jury is still out on that.). I’m a runner and a very active person. Two years ago my health took a turn for the worst and landed me in the hospital for a week. They said it was pancreatitis but I didn’t “fit the bill” of someone who would suffer from that. With no real answers, they sent me home. For almost a year, I struggled with overwhelming lethargy, brain-fog, and malaise. I lost 45lbs in two months. The doctors could find nothing wrong with me. Finally, I went to a naturopath and she tested my EB viral load… bingo!
    For a while there (and even some days still) I thought I was crazy. I’ve learned to function at the best level possible, but I know I’m not who I used to be. I miss energy and not having to cancel plans because I just can’t get out of bed.
    I ended up leaving my job because I just couldn’t keep up anymore. I took a huge pay cut and found a different company, but it fits my needs better (desk work). The only thing I still do is run. I just completed a 19.3 mile race. I felt great. I’m not sure if when I am running I just defy EBV or if there’s some sort of science behind it (hormones, I’m sure)… but it’s the only thing I have left. I feel like I’ve lost so much of myself to this and I’m tired of being tired. Thank you for showing that things will get better. I needed to hear that!

  38. Patricia says:

    Wow…so many almost identical stories here. I am 62. I had mono in high school. I had a tonsillectomy in high school, after a childhood of chronic tonsillitis and being on penicillin all during my childhood. My spleen has hemangioma’s all over. Doctor’s at UW said it is a mystery and not to be too concerned unless there is pain in there area, which has occurred when one of them burst, which was very painful due to internal bleeding. I have given a name to my personal illness which now occurs on a regular basis in the body as inflammation, sinus issues, fatigue, body aches and pains, bone pain though not as often, feeling like the inside of my esophagus and body are on fire, and recently appetite loss and some nausea…I call it Patricia’s mystery illness. I have recently read the Medical Medium and am preparing to start the protocols given in that book. I want to be tested for EBV, and found your blog while searching online today, for which I am super grateful. I want to be prepared to effectively request testing and get to the bottom of chronic immune issues and food sensitivities and allergies, which are expanding since the 80’s especially after a bout of pneumonia back then, which was very difficult to recover from. It is great to see your blog and recognize the commonalities and know we are not alone on this healing journey. Thank you so much for your dedication and sharing! Patricia

  39. Alexandra Warren says:

    Wow i have just stumble across your blog as i am about to take the Epstein Barr virus in order to reactivate the virus so it can be treated by hoemeopatgic medicine (sepia). My history is identical to yourself hashimoto’s the lot. My thyroid has actually destroyed itself completely now so it was a correct diagnosis which is our difference. Wish me luck as I’ve now just finished dissolving the first dose of ebv virus. X

  40. Jam Mir says:

    Oh Goodness! This is such a blessing for all of us struggling… THANK YOU. I just got my EBV labs back and am trying to make sense of them. My EBV Nuclear Antigen Ab was 127 (ref range 0-21) and my EBV VCA IgG Antibody is 139 (ref range 0-21) I had mono back in 2001… Do u have any insight on these numbers? They seem really high! I have a whole host of symptoms and have read MM… already incorporating some treatments… I also get 2 cold sores every month! Sometimes this seems so overwhelming I’m not sure how I’ll come out of it. It feels hopeless. I appreciate you being so open and sharing ur story. That’s helpful. xo

    • Hi Jam, I’m glad to hear this story helps you! I can’t give specific feedback on numbers and labs, so I encourage you to continue to work with your practitioner and research the Medical Medium book and protocol. I’ll continue to add posts to this series as I have updates. Wishing you well! ~E

  41. Stacy says:

    It was quite a relief to read that there are other people out there experiencing the same thing I’ve been living with on and off for the last 40 years! I had severe mono at age 13, and throughout my life since then, have had bouts that I would describe to my mom as, “feeling like I have a mild case of mono again”. I would have headaches, swollen glands, sore throat, and be extremely fatigued. But most recently, about a year ago, I went to a naturopath who discovered that I had evidence in my bloodwork indicating recent infection, and upon learning my back story (about the mono) diagnosed reactivated EBV. In my case, my liver is the unlucky one! It was swollen during my original case of mono, and is currently not functioning like it should. I started taking a supplemental regimen that helped considerably. But, it wasn’t cheap, and after I felt mostly back to normal, weaned myself off. Unfortunately, the symptoms I experienced before are back tenfold! I am currently not working and living on a small retirement, which means a very limited budget, and no health insurance. I am severely depressed and can’t afford the things I need to get better, really can’t even afford a visit to my naturopath or any doctor. How I ended up in this situation is another story all together, but the fact is this is where I’m at right now. There are days I barely even get out of bed, I can feel the pain in my liver, and can’t eat very much at all. I’m hoping that I can make myself get back to my yoga mat and start practicing again because when I was doing my yoga daily, I felt better than I have at any other time in my life! It seemed the yoga kept the EBV at bay. Pray for me, if you will that I can make myself beat this very nasty virus again, and thank you for letting me have this space to tell the story of my personal experience with Epstein-Barr. It helps me to be able to vent a little bit! I feel a bit stronger already! Thanks!

  42. Kathy Waddleton says:

    Thank you for your article.

  43. Karen says:

    Thank goodness for your blog! You’ve just described my life since 2007. I was 36, stressed to the max and suddenly had EBV. I’ve not been the same since. Every doctor said I was fine. My thyroid was fine until 2 years ago after I totally collapsed. A year later, antibodies were tested and I was told I have Hashi’s. However, thyroid meds have NOT made me feel any better. In fact, it has made things so, so much worse. I was at least functioning prior to being put on Synthroid. It made me anxious and mentally unwell. I switched to Armour thyroid 5 months later and I felt great for one week. Then….I completely crashed. Bedridden for 4 days. I thought it was just a fluke, but no. I continued to crash for 4 days every single week thereafter. I felt better physically and mentally on Armour, but I believed it was responsible for my being bedridden for 4 day each week. I changed back to Synthroid 4 months later and I continued to do the same. Here I am, a year later and it continues, but it’s down to 2 days instead of four. I have NO pain even though doctors put me in the Chronic Fatigue category. I’ve seen two Endocrinologists at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, supposedly the greatest hospital of the south. Pfftttt…right! Same old thing, you’re fine. I’ve had hormone replacement twice….2008 and 2018 which only makes it worse. I went to a different Endo and I am in the process of pituitary and adrenal testing but I suspect nothing will show up as usual! My next step, functional medicine! So, that’s my saga in a nutshell. Thank you so much for your blog. It gives me hope that I can and will get past this! Who knew EBV could be so tortuous and doctors are simply clueless! But I must say when my GP said, “Well, Karen, I don’t know how to diagnose you expect to put you into the Chronic Fatigue category.” I said “Oh, bull&@!? on Chronic Fatigue. There HAS to be an underlying cause!” He said, “Well, I agree with you there.” Doctors know it’s bull. They just don’t know how to help.

  44. Lana D says:

    My 18 year old daughter has been struggling for years with a host of health issues. We started seeing an integrative medicine expert last summer and, along with my many many hours of research and review of medical records I am convinced she also has reactivated EBV. If this is the actual diagnosis after years of testing we would be relieved to finally have a definitive path to follow . I am now looking for treatment options for her. I just want her to feel more like a normal teenager!

  45. Lorena navarro says:

    Over Christmas I just went through a horrible horrible couple of weeks of sickness.
    Body pain, arthritis pain, horrible rashes that came and went, swollen eyes, pain in my abdomen, chills, confusion, headaches, intense fever, exhaustation….didnt know what it was and I was going crazy because after many tests nobody could tell me what I had..lupus, lyme, influenza, a mosquito bite virus..the worst is people close to you not trusting

  46. Gemma says:

    Reading your story I thought I was reading my own life story! Tonsils out at 15….mono in the 6 months following and Then thyroid issues with hashimotos. I get a couple of times a year where my fatigue is delibilitating with sore throats and raised lymph nodes. I have emailed my dr to test for chronic epc. Thanks for sharing!

  47. Deb says:

    I felt like I was reading my own story when I read your blog. I, too, had strep throat MULTIPLE times in adolescence, with more antibiotics I(sometimes double doses for 60 days at a time), than I care to remember. When I was 15, I contracted Mono and was so sick my high school dropped me out because they weren’t sure if I would be returning. I can relate to all of your symptoms, including difficulty walking up steps. At its worst, I couldn’t lift my legs without using my hands, and couldn’t say more than 2 words without being winded. Recovery was not easy. At 17 the female related problems started–cysts, tumors, pre-cancerous cells on my cervix..the list goes on and on, resulting in multiple surgeries over the years. Not to mention, my gut has suffered tremendously 🙁 I assumed my immune system was compromised due to all the illnesses as a child, but I did not put 2 and 2 together with EPV (nor did ANY of the many doctors I saw over the years) until I recently read Medical Medium. I actually cried on the plane as I was reading the first part of the book, I finally felt validation that I wasn’t crazy. I believe I recently had a reactivation of EPF with a horrible virus that took over my skin. I have a fabulous Naturopath, and I’m going to do my first Ozone therapy treatment in a couple weeks and am happy to hear it helped you. My dermatologist said the treatments changed her life as well. I’m 53 now, and very health conscious. I’m looking forward to finally feeling GOOD, it’s been too long. Thank you for sharing your story and for all that you do!

  48. Tanya says:

    I just came across your page by googling activation of strep throat after doing liver cleanse …tonsils removed.
    So I am a in my late 40’s and had a similar journey as you. I suffered strep throat 4-6 times a year all through my teen years, it was crazy ….and I did multiple rounds of antibiotics ugh! By the time I was 21 I was told I needed tonsils removed. I was 21! Can you imagine ! I was 21 when they removed my tonsils! But once removed I never suffered another sore throat in my life!
    Ok I retract that ! Back up 2 weeks….I just did medical medium 3 6 9 liver cleanse in his liver rescue book and on day 10 I woke up at 3 am with the worst sore throat ever! Within days white spots appeared and I felt like I was swallowing razor blades!!! Omg what happened how did this happen ?? Have I been storing this in my Body all this time ??
    Took me 15 days to get rid of strep naturally and I’m finally swallowing without pain! It was pure hell!
    My diet has been 8 years with a mix of paleo, dabbled in keto,nlow carb, plant based paleo but still on low carb end….etc….and then the last two years I went full in medical medium …..but I’ve never had any significant shifts till I did his liver rescue 3 6 9. Prior to this I did thyroid rehab. Which didn’t really do anything for my weak thyroid.
    Would love to hear your thoughts on this above journey ? Thank you kindly

  49. Jen Miller says:

    It was as if I was reading my own story….complete with the tonsillectomy, antibiotics…..almost word for word. I just did testing this week and my numbers were over 22 and the EBV viral Capsid numbers were over 750. I am not sure what they all mean but knowing that you have been down this road is helpful. I need to find a great practitioner which has been my biggest challenge. Thank you for sharing your story…gives me hope!!

  50. Chris H says:

    My wife has had a rough few years due to mysterious illnesses. 6 years, no answers. Long story short…We finally saw a wellness doctor and several EBV tests were done. The levels indicate that she’s had a previous infection as well as an acute/recent one. Her VCA IgG came back at 421 U/mL ! (that was 10 times what your level was!) I’m very concerned for her. We are still waiting to hear from the Dr. as to the next step but I was curious…Have you heard/seen levels like that before? I can’t find anything on the internet as to actual numbers on what is “bad/an emergency” or a number that should be concerning. The only thing I find is the baseline number of >21 U/mL= positive for EBV. Just wondering if you have any info or advice to get a piece of mind before we can get to talk to the Dr. (you know how long that can take sometimes)
    Thanks for anything

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