Is It Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation?

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I'm a Certified Health Coach, longtime blogger, and host of Elizabeth Eats on YouTube. In addition to writing recipes (I love to eat!), I'm a strong believer that life is too short to settle for anything less than living your best life.


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Epstein-Barr virus reactivation is becoming more and more prevalent, and maybe the reason your health has declined or why feel so tired all time. Here’s the full story of how I began my journey to learn about Epstein-Barr (EBV) reactivation.

Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation

(Quickly, this post has gone a bit viral, and I want to say thank you for the overwhelming response to this EBV story! I recommend reading all posts in this EBV series after reading this one, and be sure to get on my email list below the post for future updates and recommendations.)

Is It Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation?

If you had a terrible case of mononucleosis (mono) when you were a child or teen (like I did), or if you often feel low in energy with no explanation, then this post is especially for you.

Before I get into the details of the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) reactivation, discovery, testing, and treatments, I want to mention that I’ve had this post in draft for months. When I sat down to finish this series, I just stared at the screen for an hour.

I took some time to reflect on why this post is so damn hard to write, and here’s what came to me: there is still a lot of confusion in both the modern and alternative medicine worlds about the testing, chronic effects, and treatments for EBV. I’ve worked with two talented naturopaths and discussed this with multiple functional medicine experts. They all tell me the same thing: there just isn’t a lot of information or standardized tests yet to understand the virus. I’m currently working with a medical doctor who specializes in integrative and functional medicine, and we are still working on treatments and understanding the virus.

With that, I’m going to share my story in the hopes that it can help you—in case you also experience low thyroid levels, an autoimmune condition, lethargy, exhaustion, or days when you just plain don’t feel great. 

One last note. This post is much longer than most of my blog posts, but I wanted to give you the full story about Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation. So grab a cuppa tea and cozy up—you’re about to learn why you’ve been so tired with no explanation.

The Backstory

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with reactivated (active?) Epstein-Barr (also known as Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation). I finally had an explanation—or at least the start of an explanation—of why my thyroid levels are so low and why I feel so tired all the time, despite eating well, exercising, and taking pretty darn good care of myself and my health.

My diagnosis came after I read The Medical Medium and requested an Epstein-Barr test from my naturopath. More on the book and testing in a minute. But first, you need to hear the (waaay) backstory in case something similar has happened to you.

The Way Backstory

I had strep throat a lot as a kid. It started to get really bad in my early teens, and it seemed like I was in the walk-in clinic every other month being put on another round of antibiotics to clear up the strep. (The dozens of rounds of antibiotics caused an entirely different issue—an unhealthy gut bacteria balance that I’ve been able to clear up with real food, avoiding processed foods, and consuming fermented foods and probiotics, but we’ll talk about that in another post.)

My mom grew weary of the cycles of strep and asked the doctors if there was anything we could do. They suggested having my tonsils out. Fifteen is old to have tonsil surgery, but after consulting with different people, my parents decided it was the right decision. I had my tonsils out, which really cleared up the strep, but I never fully recovered from the surgery. Between the hard detox off the anesthesia and the wicked case of mono I developed, I just never really felt 100% again.

Side note: Much later on, while reading The Medical Medium, he talks about strep being a co-infection to mononucleosis, which made SO much sense in this story. I had no idea that was the case 20 years ago, and neither did any doctor I had ever encountered.

Back to the mono. In the six months after the tonsillectomy, I was so tired I could barely get out of bed. It’s normal for a teenager to sleep a lot, but it was getting worse by the day. I was an active dancer and cheerleader and at a healthy weight. I ate pretty well for what we knew back then, but despite being seemingly healthy, I was exhausted all. the. time. My mom took me back to the doctor, and one test later, it was clear that I had mono. Mono is really common amongst teens, so they just told me to rest and that it would pass.

I slowly recovered from the acute mono, as most teens do, but just like when I had the surgery, I never felt completely better.

Another side note: I wish I had a cool story about getting mono, but I was such a prude that it wasn’t even from kissing cute boys under the bleachers or anything like that. I probably got it from sharing pop (yes, we still call soda “pop” in the northwest) with friends. [And eeew, I used to drink a lot of pop in the days before I was a health coach.] It doesn’t really matter how I got mono, what matters is that I was so sick I missed almost an entire semester of my junior year of high school. I started to recover slowly but surely, but never regained full steam.

The next year, a week before graduation, I’m climbing the stairs at school and suddenly have to sit down. I’m winded—a strange phenomenon for a teen who was a dancer her entire life. A friend walked me to the nurse’s office and I ended up at the doctor that day. A blood panel would reveal that my thyroid levels were so low that I needed to get on medication that very same night. Again, I’m only 17 years old when this happens.

Over the next 10 or so years, I popped that thyroid medication every morning and didn’t think much of it. Except, just like before, I never really felt 100% better. A little, sure. But something always felt off. Between bottomed-out energy levels and a few pounds that I just couldn’t seem to shake, I lived my way into my thirties figuring I’d just have to accept the fate that for some reason, my thyroid quit working.

Getting Tested for Reactivated Epstein-Barr

But then I discovered the idea of Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation.

I had my annual physical coming up with my naturopath to have my thyroid medication renewed, and in our meeting, I mentioned that I had just read a book that hypothesized that the virus could be the root cause of my thyroid issues. I knew that a traditional western medicine doctor would have thought I was looney for even asking, but I knew my naturopathic doctor would at least hear me out.

Doctor: “Yes, I’ve been hearing this a lot lately, so I read the book. It’s not that it’s unfounded, but you aren’t presenting with symptoms of active or reactivated Epstein-Barr.”

Me: “I totally hear you, but is it easy to test for? Just for peace of mind?” I said, as she did the thing where doctors take notes about you that feel like complete and utter judgment on a page.

Doctor:Well, there isn’t standardized testing, but we can check the level of antibodies. One will always show positive for a past infection, but the other will indicate a recent infection. And if that second one is high, we can suspect reactivation because your body has recently been fighting the virus and we know you had mono 17 years ago. But just so you know, I’m writing in my notes that you do not present with [currently accepted] symptoms of Chronic Epstein-Barr.”

Ha! There was the judgy note. But I didn’t mind; she was just doing her job. She’s a great doctor and a really good person.

Me: “How much does it cost?”

Doctor: “$40.”

Me: Feeling like it was a no-brainer just for the reassurance (and to appease my curiosity), I said, “Great, let’s do it!”

10 days later, she called me and said, “Oh my God, you were right—the antibodies that show recent infection are sky-high.”

I felt so validated—finally!—that I was NOT crazy and making it up. All of my other lab tests except my thyroid panel were normal. Quite a few doctors had told me that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. But alas, I’d been walking around with a version of reactivated Epstein-Barr, which for me, felt like another case of mono, which comes along with a whole host of other issues.

There are not any (NONE, ZIP, ZERO) treatments for EBV in the current western medicine landscape. Crazy, right?!

Some practitioners don’t even recognize it (along with Lyme) as a disease, which is so sad, because it affects so many people. Once I started researching alternative treatments to calm the virus, everything changed. I felt better than I had in years after having a blood ozone treatment (Major Autohemotherapy) and incorporating a few natural antivirals into my routine. I’ll write about all of those things in my next blog post, so stay tuned.

Another side note: I also want to mention that the term “reactivated Epstein-Barr” isn’t really standardized either and can mean different things to different practitioners. Some will use the term “chronic EBV” or “chronic reactivated EBV.” That’s how little research is available on this topic. I’m using this term here because it seems to explain best what I’m talking about.

The Medical Medium Book (Truth, or Complete Nonsense?)

I have to admit, reading The Medical Medium (Hay House, 2015) was a big leap of faith for me. I believe in Spirit, but I also believe in science. I didn’t take the leap lightly, so I would invite you to read the entire book and see for yourself what you think. I almost quit after the second chapter, but I’m glad I didn’t.

Regardless of if you believe in his backstory, the information in that book is having a dramatic effect on the way western medical doctors (and alternative practitioners alike) are looking at autoimmune disease. Additionally, according to one of my naturopaths, this book is not the first time someone has hypothesized that autoimmune conditions can in fact be caused by chronic viruses (So maybe they’re onto something!).

Emerging Info about Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation

In case you’re curious and think you might have a similar situation, here are some quick notes.

According to the National Institute of Health, the Epstein-Barr Virus is a “ubiquitous human lymphotropic herpesvirus,” meaning it: is a member of the herpes family of viruses, can cause lymphoma-type cancers, and is present in just about everyone. About 95% of the population carries the virus. Once infected with EBV, you carry the virus for the rest of your life.

EBV isn’t anything new. But, as I stated above, modern medicine barely understands it. Western medicine says that we all have it, that some of us get mononucleosis from it, and that it then lives in us, dormant, forever. Modern thought and progressive researchers are now starting to understand that it can reactivate and/or cause a whole host of chronic issues, including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and even some types of cancers.

Additionally, some researchers and health experts now believe that chronic active viral infections, such as EBV, may be the root cause of autoimmune conditions issues such as Hashimoto’s and lupus, and may be responsible for chronic illnesses like MS and Lyme disease. EBV can also be what’s considered a co-infection to Lyme disease.

One theory is that EBV becomes deeply embedded in your organ tissue over time. Then as your immune system tries to fight the virus, it appears to be attacking the organ.

Hello misdiagnosed autoimmune conditions. Which is what happened to me.

I had very slightly elevated thyroid antibodies at one point and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune thyroid condition. I definitely had very low thyroid levels, but the idea of an autoimmune condition didn’t sit well with me. Why would my body attack itself? And none of the Hashimoto’s protocols or natural treatments made me feel any different. When I learned that my EBV antibodies were sky-high, it all made sense.

I didn’t have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I had an overzealous Epstein-Barr infection still lingering from mono 17 years previously.

My Current Epstein-Barr Reactivation Testing & Treatment

I’ve felt great for the last few years, but I’ve been extra-tired recently. I blamed it on my schedule, travel, and work (that I love!), but over the past month, I knew something was off.

A blood test in June showed very elevated EBV antibodies again (the type that shows a recent infection). There are only a few tests that even look for antibodies, and like I mentioned above, 95% of the population will show some sort of antibodies since we’re all infected with the virus. But if your antibodies pass a certain threshold, your body is actively trying to fight the virus (the reference range is below 9; mine was over 40).

Here’s where it gets tricky: there isn’t a standardized test for this. Different labs show different results. Some show a pass/fail/yes/no result, and some show a level-based result. I’ve written more about the EBV tests I’ve had and show you examples in my next post, because this blog post is already twice as long as most of my posts. 😉

Remember, healing is never linear. You are your own best health advocate. We must stay vigilant and pay attention to how we feel in our bodies, and advocate for proper testing and treatment if something feels off.

EBV Healing

Don’t feel discouraged if this post speaks to you! There are steps you can take. I’ll post more over the next few weeks with the details about testing and alternative treatments for EBV. Hang in there!

If you’ve been feeling really off, tired or sluggish, or have uncontrollable thyroid issues, consider working with a naturopath for an EBV test. Again, more on this in the next post.

How to Take Action:

1. Buy (or borrow) a copy and read The Medical Medium.

2. Leave a comment below and let us know if you’ve experienced similar issues, and/or if you suspect EBV is causing issues for you, too (or if you’ve already tested and gotten an answer!).

3. Stay on my email list for future updates, real food recipes, and healthy living inspiration. I share weekly-ish recipes, tips, and notes with my VIP email community. You can subscribe to my newsletter below this post to get your free recipe ebook and special updates.

4. Be gentle with yourself. 🙂 And read the next posts in this series with tons more information.

Read The Next Posts In This Series:


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  1. Kay Frances says:

    I could barely get through the first few paragraphs without shedding a few tears. At 43 years of age I just found out that I also have this and it explains so much in my life. I am in complete disbelief and believe that this may be the reason I had an extended stay in the hospital back in sixth grade. I cannot believe my family would never tell me this and have had to go through what I have had to go through. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone and wonder what to do now. I wish I had someone like Elizabeth to talk to about this personally as I think that I could shed some light on this terrible lifelong illness. Thank you.

    • Kay, thanks for sharing with us. EBV is still a mystery to many but we can all take steps towards healing, even though we don’t have concrete answers. The Medical Medium’s books and my EBV blog series (all linked above) can help set you in the right direction. Sending you healing thoughts! ~E

  2. Rose says:

    This was a very interesting read. I came into Spring of 2018 feeling odd. I was exhausted, weak, muscle aches, blurry vision, swollen lymph nodes, etc. I had about every test under the sun completed, with no answers. I basically thought I was dying. My blood test for mono showed a recent infection. Of course, the doctor was more willing to chalk it up to a “weird virus” than EBV re-activation. I started de stressing, paying attention to how I was feeling, and taking vitamins and supplements like crazy. It is horrible feeling knowing something is wrong, and feeling like traditional medicine is catorgorizing you as “crazy” or “obsessed”. I still have anxiety from the whole ordeal, but overall feel much better!

  3. Ayla says:

    I am so thankful to have found you! I have hashimotos that has been out of control despite taking Armour, healthy diet, exercise etc. It seemed over the last decade the healthier my lifestyle became the sicker I got. I was just tested last week and diagnosed with reactivating EBV. I feel awful, but feel grateful to start to heal. Where can I get more info from you!?

    • Hi Ayla, so glad to have you here. Read the other posts linked in this series (above) and I’ll continue to post on the blog as I have updates. You can also sign up for my newsletter for subscriber-only stuff! Click Start in the navigation menu. ~E

  4. Courtney says:

    Hello, I was diagnosed with reactivated ebv 9 months ago. I haven’t been the same since. For 2 years before i was diagnosed i was getting sore throats and everytime I got a sore throat my vulva became red a sore. The doctors would give me a zpac and it would go away for a few months and then come back. So I was diagnosed 9 months ago but no longer show an active infection. I still have a sore throat on and off an bad post nasal drip and tonsil stones. I an falling into a depression bc i miss going to the gym and going out with my husband. The doctors dont know what to to tell me. I am having my tonsils out in 2 weeks. I am on a zpac right now bc the sore throat was so bad. I’m looking for any advice you have. Hope to hear back from you!

  5. Lauren says:

    A year ago, I was incredibly tired but chalked it up to being a Mom to 3. My Endocrinologist tested me for EBV and it came back positive. I didn’t think much of it and he said that it will just run it’s course. Fast forward to today and I saw my gynecologist. I mentioned how I have symptoms of a low thyroid but my tests always comes back as negative. She looks up my previous record and sees that my body was fighting the EBV and I should retest. I just got my results back and my EBV is still positive. I still need to get ahold of my doctors to get more answers. But here’s the crazy part…I just returned Medical Medium Foods back to the library today. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to read it and I couldn’t renew. I’m just going to buy it! Also, I’m so glad that I found your blog. The first google searches, had me believing that I have a death sentence!

  6. John R says:

    About two years ago, my beautiful wife was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 29. Unfortunately, she passed away a few weeks ago, days before her 31st birthday. While taking care of her and our young baby, I started feeling terrible myself. After tons of my own scans and doctor visits, I was finally tested for mono and sure enough — reactivated mono. — likley from all of the stress. Numbness in toes/hands/randoms spots, terrible stomach issues, fasciculations, blurry vision, new red meat allergy, and more.

    I went heavy on supplements (curcumin, I-Lysine, spirulina, magnesiu) and it really helped. Plus early on the probiotics really improved my gut.

    Excited to read the rest of your blog and try to keep EBV from ever coming back again. My copy of Medical Medium also arrived a few days ago, so I am sure that will be a reassuring read.

  7. MB says:

    Thank you so much for these posts! I have reactivated EBV and finding quality information and stories has been a challenge. With that in mind, do you know anything about getting pregnant and having reactivated EBV? Or where to find quality information? Thank you! So glad I found your site!

  8. Danielle Walter says:

    I am currently going through almost the same issues. I had an active EBV back in June. I was tested, along with thyroid, B12, and a few others I can’t remember off the top of my head. The reason for the testing was due to major fatigue and my 4 yr old tested positive for it too. Fast forward to November, I have had a sore throat for a month and extreme fatigue again. So I was retested for EBV and it is currently active. I also asked for autoimmune testing. My Rheumatoid factor came back positive. Now I sit and wait to see a rheumatologist. I am only 36yrs old. I am a mother of 2 young children, which has been my excuse for the exhaustion. But recently i’ve noticed how bad it is. I’m a relatively healthy person who can walk for HOURS. My husband and I recently went on a business trip to Orlando and walked around at Disney Springs. After about an hour I had to sit and rest… and that was after pushing myself till I just couldn’t go anymore. This is very frustrating! Especially when you do not have a PCP who wants to really help.

  9. Becky says:

    Hi…thanks so much for this great info! I have had re-activated (chronic) EBV for over a year now…so when I read about stomping your feet like a baby Elizabeth if your bloodwork comes back I laughed because I feel the same-my #’s have yet to budge. The EBV has led to me having an auto-immune disorder known as dysautonomia (basically my respiration, blood pressure, and other things that should be controlled by my automatic nervous system are all messed up)-I am thankful to have found a good neurologist that was able to put a name to all my weird symptoms. My first question is if you know if when EBV is chronic if it’s still contagious? Second, wondering if anyone has had any improvements from using a Bemer mat? Thirdly, any improvement from using an infrared sauna? Lastly, maybe I missed something, but is there any success (complete recovery) stories on here and if yes, what was the thing that helped the most? Also, I wanted to add something I didn’t see on here (maybe I simply missed it), but a tx that is supposedly helpful (I have yet to try as it’s not cheap) is major autohemotherapy, also known as blood ozone treatments. I’m currently using l-lysine, purified silver, lauricidin, spirulina, liquid zinc, molybdenum, and Acyclovir Rx (and completely clean diet including no nuts or chocolate) that I’m doing does anything.
    P.S. For anyone taking any other kind of monlaurin-lauricidin is hardened pellets you swallow w/ water-I had envisioned it being similar to coconut oil so procrastinated switching, but would encourage switching as it not only works better as previously stated on here, you also get more servings from each bottle.

  10. Kate says:

    Yes! Years of fatigue, thyroid meds that I was later taken off of, the feeling that all the doctors just thought I was some hypochondriac, finally to a diagnosis of reactivated EBV. I cried for validation that I WASN’T CRAZY! Now I’m working with my naturopath but still feeling run down, so looking forward to hearing other people’s success stories. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Terra Higdon says:

    I have this same experience. I got tested last yr and had reactivated ebv >70
    Reactivated ebv igg >600
    I have been sick most of my life and treated with antibiotics.
    I started getting real bad sick again the first of Oct and currently still feel bad. I started last week going to an immunologist.
    My husband saw the book medical medium and ordered it. And what do you know..ebv!
    I was researching this morning when I saw your article starting reading and what ya know..your battle with ebv and discovering medical media. I need help bad. I had to take a 2 week absence from work and I am so exhausted but I have to go back this week. I am an rn at a hospital. Go figure.

  12. Renee says:

    So fun to see EBV getting more attention – thank you for sharing! I have had a rough round of mono and 2 “re-activations.” It seems to re-activate every 4 years for me. The first time I was dismissed by several doctors saying it wasn’t even possible for EBV to reactivate. I saw so many different specialists and went through so many labs and scans to see if something else was going on with my body because it hurt and I didn’t feel like myself. I felt crazy. On my second reactivation I refused to see any doctors other than a naturopath- she tested my antibodies and confirmed my body was fighting the virus again. I read the medical medium and at least felt more support and understanding that round. Unfortunately, you can’t do much other than wait for the virus to pass through. I would love to hear more from your experience and how you get through the fight at the time and how to prevent it from coming back and how to prevent getting into the level 3 and 4 issues discussed in the medical medium.

  13. anne says:

    Hey Elizabeth,
    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.
    I was diagnosed with hashimotos about 2 years. Has been an amazing journey of self love and nourishment. Although firstly a lot of disempowerment through the conventional medical system… The medical medium seems to keep popping in to my life at different times. Firstly a friend of mine introduced me to the hashimotos EBV link. I had mono about 8 years ago! I recently got retested for EBV out of curiosity as I have been working with Kambo which is amazonian frog medicine that people have eradicated EBV from!
    Although I still have EBV and reactive to IgG, IGM and EBNA IGG, my thyroid levels are also out of whack.
    You amongst others give me hope that we can heal our selves. I am going to continue to work with Kambo with the aim of also eradicating EBV and my thyroid symptoms will normalise and heal.

    • Thorge says:

      Hey Anne,

      I am also currently working with Kambo to treat EBV (and the thyroid …).

      What was / is your experience? What did you learn? How do you think about it?

  14. Jessie Forbes says:

    You mention you’re from the northwest, me too! Do you mind sharing what naturopath you see? I am having a hard time finding. Thank you in advance! ❤️

  15. Peggy Laney says:

    … it started when I was 20 years old. I got strep throat 4 times in one year. Finally, they took out my tonsils. What an ordeal. I was still drugged and they sent me out the door as fast as they could. I felt like cattle. I slept for nearly two weeks straight. Then at 22, I got mono. Then at 24, had reoccurring pain in my throat. Kept going to the doctors complaining about it but they could never find anything in lab tests. They diagnosed me with Eaccols syndrome. Then T 25, I was diagnosed with severe reactive hypoglycemia which took a huge toll on my self esteem. My short term memory suffered as did my ability to speak and see clearly. But, The first time I felt the symptoms I do now was in my late twenties. I felt like I had a fever, and a general feeling of malaise. I felt kind of shaky and my head felt a strange pressure in it. And the fatigue always sent me home to bed. Then over the years, the these symptoms would show up in my life after certain triggers, particularly stress and poor diet. I would get symptomatic about 3 times a year and would stay home from work in bed for two solid days… sometimes I would sleep deeply and other times I had inflammation so bad that it disturbed my sleep, making matters worse. Then in 2012 I was diagnosed with low thyroid and severe anemia. In 2014, I had a big adrenal crash. I felt like the living dead. It was due to a high stress job, so I quit. Since then, I discovered The Medical Medium. i too cut out eggs but once I reintroduced organic eggs, it was fine. Of course doctors can’t find anything wrong with me accept the last time I went shortly after a very symptomatic week. My inflammation markers was very high as was my antibodies for a recent EBV infection. What I would like to know is how high your point wer went your doctor finally said WTF? Mine was 500, and according to the test results, 89 is the high in normal range. The hardest part is that to everyone around, I don’t look sick, maybe tired. I cry sometimes because I just want to be normal.

  16. Aubrey says:

    A few months ago, I had a colonoscopy done because I have Diverticular Disease and I was having some discomfort on the left side of my abdomen. The colonoscopy came out fine but the doctor wanted to run an additional CT Scan with Iodine. After having this additional test done, two days later my salivary glands swelled up. We did some research on line and thought I had iodine mumps and we presented this information to our family physician. At first they treated it with antibiotics and then they treated it with Prednisone for 2 weeks. The glands came down some but not completely. Also during this time, I had noticed that my mouth was dry and had difficulty swallowing so I started on Biotene as I read about Sjogren’s Syndrome and dry mouth. This enabled my salivary glands to start working again and no longer have the dry mouth. Also I have dry eyes but this may be another symptom of having Lasik surgery years ago and then Cataract Surgery done about 5 years ago with a touch up to both eyes. The doctor sent me to an ENT and he was absolutely no help and pretty much dismissed me about everything I brought up. It’s been 4 months since the original CT scan and my glands are still swollen and also I will have some pain from it and burning and tingling feeling running up my face. Prior to seeing the ENT I asked the doctor to see if he could run some blood tests on me and had indicated that I was extremely tired which is very unlike me. He said sure and ran a CBC panel and also decided to run a test on Epstein Barr. As you can see from the results below, I have a High Value of the IgG results and normal range for the IgM results so in essence, I have the reactivated Epstein Barr Virus.

    I am still not feeling like I normally should and have to rest very often. I have found taking a B Complex, Vitamin D3 5000 IUs, L-Lysine has helped. I am looking to get the Monolaurin which I understand is very helpful. Can you provide me with any additional insights on this disease as I don’t want it left unchecked/untreated and I understand you can develop cancer. Also my primary care physician has no interest in re-running these tests to see where my levels are. Shouldn’t they still follow-up with me on this? Why have they dropped any interest in my care? I have lost my faith in doctors and feel they are not interested in my health and well being.

    Component Your Value Standard Range Flag
    EBV VIRAL CAPSID ANTIGEN IgG 468.0 U/mL 0.0 – 21.9 U/mL H
    EBV VIRAL CAPSID ANTIGEN IgM <10.0 U/mL 0.0 – 43.9 U/mL

    CBC High Results

    MPV 11.1 7.5 – 10.5 H
    Neutrophils 76 % 43 – 72 % H
    Low Results
    Lymphocytes 13 % 17 – 44 % L

    • Anonymous says:

      You have high IgG, which indicates that you (like 90% of adults) have been infected with the Epstein-Barr Virus at some point in your life.

      Your IgM is normal, which means you are not suffering from a recent infection. You do not have “reactivated” EBV. IgM spikes in the 8 weeks after infection and then returns to normal.

  17. Sharon says:

    I’m so glad I came across your page. I too have been suffering with Fibromyalgia for years and it’s got to a point I’ve had to leave my job after 20 years. I am reading MM books and I lightbulb went on. I was seriously ill when I was 14 and they said it was scarlet fever but I was never sure. I have always been tired and struggled. My blood tests come back normal which is so frustrating as I feel ill all the time. Which in turn has an effect on everyone else and you end up on a downward spiral. I’ve adopted some of MM protocols and don’t have gluten etc. I just feel the doctors are on the wrong path and at 47 feel my life is ebbing away x

    • Hi Sharon, thanks for sharing your story here. Don’t give up. I know it’s difficult but just being here means that you can heal. Keep following the Medical Medium’s protocols and makes self-care your top priority. Food can heal, and life can get better. You are in control even if it doesn’t always feel like it. I wish you well! ~E

  18. PAMELA says:

    WOW! I have not been feeling well for a while now and all lab tests are normal. My doctor says “you are the healthiest patient I’ve seen all day!” Doesn’t leave much room for saying, “yeah, but I just don’t FEEL well”. Thankfully, I found a wonderful functional doctor who listened patiently and performed a number of tests on me. One day she said, “I think I have found out what is going on with you!” She showed me the test results for EBV and mine were off the charts! Then she told me she had reactivated EBV a couple years ago! God sent me to the right doctor!! She started me on two weeks of Valtrex (longer is not safe) and also started me on the monolaurin. I am only one month in and am hoping as time passes to feel even better. In the past I have had viral thyroiditis (thought I was going to die) and have also had labyrinthitis. Just wonder if EBV is responsible for either of those. Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your story and all the wonderful information that you bring to us. I am so grateful to have found you! Keep up the good work and best to you in your fight against EBV!!

  19. Cindy J Kuhn says:

    I am experiencing Epstein Barr symptoms now and have been for over 10 years. The symptoms were coming and going but now they are staying. I am going to a Natural Pathetic Doctor in Cambridge, MA who is treating me. I just feel so tired, drained and depressed so much of the time. Reading this blog was good for me but I have to say I really just want to get better. I have had to leave my teaching position as a 7th grade science teacher due to not feeling well and not being able to think well so much of the time.

  20. Lindsay says:

    I had severe mononucleosis three years ago and I would say I was ill for the two following years .I have now had a two week fever with no other symptoms except the dreadful fatigue I had with mono.To date they have given me a wide spectrum of tests ,all of which have come back negative.Yesterday in the ER I actually found a doctor who was willing to test me for Epstein-Barr again as the others I have seen have scoffed the idea of a reoccurrence.Will get results later this week

  21. Lisa Marie says:

    Thank you for your information! I’m 42 years old living a crazy packed exec life in NYC and have had EBV/Mono reactivated now 4 times since my 30’s. Currently down for the count and trying all things to get myself back to 100%. I last had this 4 years ago and since then have been overly conscious of listening to my body, eating well, and sleeping. Hectic and stressful work life has gotten me off track in the last year especially and I knew instinctively it had hit again. Shutting down is not easy, in fact miserable. Really appreciate your blog as there’s so little information out there. It’s confusing.. I told my boyfriend not to read up on it online or he’d think I am six feet under ground! Thank you and looking forward to your cooking tips.

  22. Jessica Day says:

    I just received test results that I am positive for “re-activated EBV.” I requested the test from my naturopath after Hashimoto’s protocol (diet, rest, supplements, synthroid) yielded little improvement.

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I will be combing through your series for information and support. You are an angel.

  23. Teresa says:

    I found this article very interesting as I was told I had tested positive for EBV when the hospital ran a blood panel when I had to have an emergency appendectomy. I was 19 at the time and it was more or less “casually” mentioned that I had EBV show up. I recall when I was 17 that I was loosing weight for no reason and tired easily and was advised by a specialist that my thyroid had gone through a rapid “up and down” but had regulated. My thyroid levels are checked regularly and are normal. In my late 20s I had trouble conceiving and went through several treatments and became pregnant on my third attempt at IVF. Then had three natural pregnancies after. I still battled depression (since 15) joint pain, inability to focus and tired from the moment I awoke. I was then diagnosed by a Rheumatologist with fibromyalgia. Another medical mystery that is often not recognized. Approximately 8 years later I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Three years ago at the age of 52 I left work as a legal assistant as a result of my medical issues. I see my family doctor and a psychiatrist monthly. I have been “interviewed” by insurance companies doctors and I still do not have answers nor after several changes in meds feel any better other than the relief of stress from working. Curious if all this started with EPV.

    • Teresa, thanks for sharing your story. It might be worth reading The Medical Medium and/or exploring the root cause with a naturopath or doctor who specializes in functional medicine. Wishing you well! ~E

    • Alicia Konopka says:

      I’m so glad I found YOU! And, this blog! Last November, I began having severe vertigo. This continued for 4 months, then lead into lightheadedness. I also had a bad case of mono as a child, but didn’t think anything about it becoming reactived. I have had every test under the sun. All normal! Until I went to Naturopathic a month ago. She discovered reacent reactivation of EBV, sluggish T3, and low ferritin. I’m just starting my path to recovery ( after a year!). My 3 biggest problems are dizziness, tiredness, and aches. I would love feedback on anyone who has a treatment for dizziness! That’s my biggest annoying feeling!

  24. Page says:

    My daughter had mono when she was 4 and again at 14 and in my opinion has always seemed s little off. Thanks for sharing and validating my thoughts.

  25. Patti says:

    I finally found a medical doctor that tests for everything a year ago. In addition to figuring out what was causing my digestive issues and weight gain, my EBV was high. I was on the path though to feeling better than I have in a long time until a couple of months ago. Tested again and my EBV level was 600 and my thyroid numbers were off for the first time. I had strep a lot as a kid but never mono. Thank you for talking about EBV, I still have a lot to learn.

  26. Rachel says:

    I know I have the reactivated Epstein bar, where is info on what u did to heal it?
    Did u experience insomnia too?

  27. Karen Gorentz says:

    Thank you so much for the valueable information. My family has been hit hard with EBV! My daughter was diagnosed with EBV in grade school. She too felt lithargic, sleep, tearful, not energy..etc! She spent a week in the hospital before figuring out what the problem was. At that time our pediatrician told us that EBV was the most perplexed virus with no cure. He also told us that is was some how related to lymphoma cancer. He was correct, my daughter was diagnosed with lymphoma at the age of 25 , just 3 months after giving birth to her first child. She is In remission now, healthy and pregnant with her 2 child. I found that I am also positive for EBV after having mono 5 years ago at the age of 50! I am anxiously awaiting your next blog to find out more information about beating this virus. Thank you again for sharing your experiences with others. We will all benefit from your help.

    • Hi Karen, wow. I’m so glad your daughter is doing better now. And yes, EBV is linked to come cancers like lymphoma. There isn’t a known cure, per se, for the virus, but there are some natural antivirals available that hopefully can help. Wishing you well! ~E

  28. Michele York says:

    Thank you for your blog post. I’m struggling big time right now with my hypothyroidism and it seems to be causing other issues such as anxiety and tinnitus. I’m currently almost 2 weeks in to a new dose of levothyrox, some days are better and some days are not. I’ve been hypothyroid for 17 years or a little more and have never experienced these kind of issues. And I never had strep/mono as a kid. Not sure what’s going on, thinking it’s time for either a naturopath or an endocrinologist. I need some relief soon.

  29. Ingrid Pimentel says:

    Hi Elizabeth! So much valuable information in this post. I am waiting anxiously for the next one about testing and treatment. Thanks for your awesome work.

  30. Jen says:

    Thank you for this post. When I was reading the part about your chronic strept as a kid, then needing a tonsillectomy, being exhausted all the time, and then being diagnosed with hypothyroidism in your teens, I thought I was reading my own story. I never had (or at least was never diagnosed with) mono, but I wonder if I should be tested for antibodies. Thanks for this post. VERY much looking forward to reading your follow up.

  31. Noelle says:

    Have it and have battled it on and off for years. Have had it deactivate when I run myself down. The medical Medium is a great book. I have read it. I find that a variety of supplements and food help best. At times when it really gets me I know when it’s time to rest and refuel

  32. Erin says:

    I’m exhausted. This has been a long road. My autoimmune journey began when I was 17 and diagnosed with hepatitis A. Not sure to this day that’s what I had. Since then I have had numerous food allergies, bouts of strep, miscarriages (anticardio-Lipen antobodies), etc… I see a functional medicine dr and test positive for Hoshimotos (not sure meds make me feel better… still exhausted), Epstein-Barr and now just had a positive Lymes test. In early May I had a severe allergic reaction to a sulfa antibiotic from my first bladder infection leaving me with a horrible fever and rash/blisters and then went into an autoimmune response called “arthritis-virus” where I had severely swollen joints… I couldn’t walk or even brush my hair. I spent this summer on prednisone and now I am healing but a mess with numerous questions. I feel more empowered to heal than ever but also more confused. Thanks for your work. I will continue to follow and learn. FYI I appreciate your opinion on the Medical Medium. I’ve learned a lot but am left with so many questions.
    Here’s to healing! 🙏🏻💕

  33. Jessica says:

    Thank you so much for your post. I’ve been feeling off for the last couple years and just chalked it up to stress. I’m a single mom haha. At any rate I finally pushed for the doctors to do more testing when a 70 year old man beat me up a hill during one of my jogs LOL. They found I had reactivated EPV and all the doctor told me was to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet. I’ve had to do my own research and it seems that EPV usually reactivates in people with a immune compromised system, which means there may be other underlying issues. So thank you for your story and advice, I’ll definitely be reading Medical Medium and seeing what advice the author has to offer. Take care and good luck with everything! Can’t wait for your next post 🙂

  34. Diana says:

    I’m exhausted today. I read this article and it’s everything I’ve been dealing with. I had a hysterectomy over a year ago and I just can’t do cardio yet. I used to be able to push through.

  35. Cyrina Anthony says:

    Yes all of this resonates with me! Since I had an onset of Mono at a late age, in my 40’s and I am 61 now I just realized that I had a bout with strep throat prior to the mono, no one put that together until now reading your blog.
    Ever since that I haven’t been able to get my energy level back up. I am a high functioning individual but wow I get exhausted and haven’t wanted to face it so I push forward as always but I am fatigued all the time.
    I did mention EBV to my GP but that was pushed aside. They test for thyroid but comes back not a problem and I keep telling her that there is something going on there also this auto immune condition rings so true for me.
    I look forward to hearing about what I can do about it now and feel better already.
    Thank You!

  36. Kelly says:

    Two and a half years ago I was beyond sick. Went to three different hospitals for months. Every test known to man. Started a new primary and I asked for a test for EBV. Two of my results were in the 300s! I’ve never had Mono in my life, I did have strep a lot as a child. I love the medical medium.

  37. Roxanne Moschetti says:

    My 2 year old Just tested positive for Epstein Barr and active mono. I tested positive for previous infection on a positive negative type test at Kaiser. I want to Find a naturopath doctor in the LA area that can help us. Any recommendations? Also, I’ve read the medical medium and there are so many supplements listed for EBV that I don’t know where to start and can’t afford to get them all. Is anyone familiar with the top supplements that Have been found most helpful?

    • Hi Roxanne, I’m so sorry to hear that. And at such a young age. I don’t personally know any naturopathic doctors in the LA as I don’t live there. I would recommend searching online and reading a lot of reviews. Sometimes it’s a frustrating process to find the right place—I’ve experienced that. If you visit someone and they can’t help, it’s ok to find a new doctor. And, I know that the list of supplements can be long! I don’t take them all, I’m in the midst of writing two more posts in this series to share with everyone and that’s coming soon. I don’t have any experience with helping children (especially as young as two) so my recommendation would be to consult your child’s doctor before using any type of supplement with him/her. Sending you tons of love to find the right doctor who can help. ~E

  38. Carolyn Edwards says:

    EBV positive since being ill with virus when I was 17 (57 now). Need more sleep than most, wake up tired, just accepted as part of my life. I have a low white blood cell count compared to the average and wondered whether this could be attributed to EBV too.

    • Hi Carolyn, the good news is that there are things you can do. I’ll keep sharing so hopefully something can help. I’m not sure what can and can’t be attributed to EBV for specific people, but if you are able, find a good naturopath and they may be able to help. Wishing you well! ~E

  39. Debbie biggan says:

    Wow. What a great post ❤️Thank you for sharing … I’ve been into his books and podcasts for a bit now … my family was all diagnosed with Lyme. Husband and two kids .. I now believe it’s been the ebv all along !!! I was recently diagnosed with mold toxins and then my shoulder froze !! Hmmmm shingles possibly? My doc thinks I have three heads … as I brought this all up to her …oh well ?? My daughter who is a holistic nutritionist as well as Anthony Williams have been so helpful.. . Diet … diet … diet !!! And good supplements ! We’ve lost my husbands side of the family due to them bullying us about having Lyme 4 years ago … the journey has been all holistic .. and we are so thankful for that … as whatever they all were battling … things are in a good place … my side of the family has been so supportive and helpful .. no matter what .. I love the medical medium and his knowledge he is sharing is helping so many … be the voice to help this spread … it’s making its move and it’s beautiful ❤️Thank you for your guidance ❤️
    Dale, Deb, Chanelle and Tanner

    • Hi Debbie, thank you so sharing your story! It’s crazy to me that some people still don’t understand that Lyme is a real disease. There is a lot of folklore out there but Lyme is real and affects a lot of people. EBV is often a co-infection to Lyme. And, Lyme risk is getting progressively worse especially with the deer ticks in Maine. Even traditional medical doctors are starting to recognize it. Continue with the Medical Medium books and, if you can, find a naturopath in your area who has an expertise in Lyme. You could also come on my Sanoviv Retreat and have an integrative physical as they can diagnose and treat Lyme (find Sanoviv retreat in the footer of my website, my comments don’t allow links) 🙂 Wishing you and your family well! ~E

  40. Jennifer says:

    Wow! I could say that a few more times! I was stunned and overwhelmingly grateful to read this post. I suffered from severe mono when I was 13 and if I am being honest have never truly recovered. Now I believe I know why. As a fellow IIN graduate I have always been into health and wellness, funny how your intuition knows how to keep nudging you along until you find the answers. I ordered Medical Medium and it made me want to cry, in both happiness and from being scared. I am now almost 53 and excited to get on the path of ridding myself of this nasty virus. What has really pushed me in this direction is trying to help my son who is 28, and basically has all the symptoms of stage 4 EBV. He had a terrible bout of strep at 14 that had him out of school for a whole quarter. Writing this is making me cry but now I have more information and will be able to steer him, and myself, onto a real path of wellness. Thank you Thank you Elizabeth. I am very much looking forward to your upcoming posts

  41. Jessica says:

    This could not come at a better time! I’ve been feeling terrible despite a healthy lifestyle & everyone thinks I’m nuts! I have almost no estrogen or testosterone and high EBV. I was never diagnosed with mono but also had strep continuously during childhood. I can’t beleive this might finally be the answer!!

    • Jessica, so glad to hear that this may be helpful. Feeling off with no answers is a terrible feeling! Stick with me for the next few posts and I’ll keep sharing as much as I can. Feel well! ~E

  42. Sarah says:

    Thank you so much for sharing! I have hypothyroid after having my daughter and I’m trying to get to the root cause. You have set me on the right path!

  43. Lisa Fallon Mindel says:

    Yes Liz, I have totally experienced this. I was diagnosed when I was 20 and now 35 years later, last summer felt I had some auto immune issues (with multiple symptoms). As a plant-based nutritionist and athlete, I am very aware of my body .. After research and many blood tests for each AO disease, (which all came back negative) I realized it had to be my EB coming back disguising itself as a handful of AO disorders. Reading Anthony Williams books now and totally in agreement. Thanks for coming out and talking about this. I am supporting you in this journey and wish you health.
    PS: Met you at Sweet Retreat 🙂

  44. Dana Ruch says:

    Omg yes yes. I was told I had mono 3 times as a teen and in college but obviously it was just once and reactivated. 2 years ago, now in my 30s I saw a naturopath to see why I was so exhausted and she said my EBV levels were sky high and she gave me tons of herbs which I found helpful but expensive to continue long term. Now 2 years later I am feeling ultra fatigued and suspect that to be the cause.

    • hannah says:

      Hi Dana, what herbs were they? I am once again fighting ebv and am just so fed up

    • Dana, thank for sharing, and so sorry to hear you are so fatigued. It feels so awful to have low energy levels and not know why. I’m writing two more posts on this in the next few weeks with testing and treatments. I’ll include what I take in case it helps others. Feel well! ~E

  45. Patsi Tarantino says:

    I’ve read/still am reading all his books. Do you do any of the protocols he suggests? I’ve been doing everything (except haven’t gotten the guts to do the heavy metal detox yet) and am feeling sooo good. I also saw that you had eggs written on your shopping list. Have you tried avoiding them?

    • Hi Patsi, I do most of what is in his books. I cut out eggs for 3 months last year and nothing changed but I did noticed I felt more hungry after breakfast. The books are fantastic resources and I think every person has to test and see what works for them. I love his simple protocols, and I also love the fact that The Medical Medium doesn’t demonize fruit (in fact, he celebrates most of it!) I think the fear of sugar has really (wrongly) scared people off from fruit. I totally agree and follow the no-processed-sugar way of life, but love his recommendations for fruit. Eggs work for me. But I think doing his protocols strictly at first to see what works for you is a good way to go. ~E

  46. Connie says:

    Thank you so much for writing this. I’m going in for blood work this week related to it. I had mono for 3 years as a kid it just wouldn’t leave my body and I have chronic fatigue, inflammation and my thyroid is starting to slow down as well. My nervous system is weak and my body aches everyday I can’t seem to understand why since the tests are all good other than thyroid and knowing that I have inflammation. I just started reading the book per the recommendation of my reiki healer so I’m starting there. I’ll keep reading to learn more about what you discover and your journey! Thank you!

    • Hi Connie, glad it is helpful! I’m sorry to hear you don’t feel well. Sending healing vibes! And the next two blog posts may help, too. More soon. Keep us posted on how you are. ~E

  47. Kristin says:

    This is amazing! My son is dealing with all of this & we are at the beginning stages of seeking answers & treatment. He tested positive for Mono & his ANA screen tested positive for Lupus. I have friends with Lupus & we were told to seek the root cause of the diagnosis, rather than treating the lupus. She also recommended The Medical Medium. I can’t wait to learn more about the specific tests that you had done as we are meeting with a highly recommended Naturopath next week. All of this is just so pertinent. Thank you so much for sharing your journey Elizabeth! As a fellow IIN Health Coach I’ve been following you for years & always enjoy your content.

  48. Brenda says:

    Thanks so much for sharing Elizabeth. My physician usually tells me I must be “fighting something” when my antibody levels are up and I’m complaining of incredible fatigue. I was diagnosed with genetic hemochromatosis 10 years ago so started avoiding foods loaded with iron and started keeping my feratin level low-ish (I feel best when its at 13). Like you, I still didn’t feel 100% after the initial improvement in energy levels hit a plateau. Eventually I switched myself to a diet free of processed foods, sugars, milk, wheat … I feel 100% better as a result but … not 100%? I’m getting so used to feeling “better”, I’m not even sure I would know what 100% should feel like anymore. I am really looking forward to reading the rest of your story. It would be so great to be able to live with confidence around knowing that I’m doing as much as I can to maximize my health in a natural way.

    • Brenda, thanks for sharing. I know how frustrating it is to feel off and not know why. Posts 2 and 3 are coming soon right after this one (I’ll link them at the bottom of this first blog post, too. (The only reason they’re not posted yet is that I need time to write them! ;)) Wishing you well.

  49. Lauren says:

    I was recently diagnosed with Hypothyroid/Hashimoto’s and for a variety of reasons I decided not to go on Synthroid, as suggested by my Doctor. I’m in the process of re-reading Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing…and I’m working to incorporate the protocols he suggests. What’s bizarre is that even though my TSH and antibody levels are very high-I really don’t have symptoms. I’m thankful for this and figure it’s due to my healthy lifestyle and am trying to be pro-active so that I don’t start to experience symptoms. I’ve never had mono or EBV that I know of…so I’m very confused as to what’s causing my thyroid numbers to be so out of whack-but thankful that I know enough to make lifestyle changes my first line of defense! Thank you for sharing your story, Elizabeth…looking forward to hearing more about your journey with this!

  50. Manuela says:

    I grew up in the USA (Austrian Mother / German Father ) and moved back to Europe (Austria) when I was 14 1/2. This post really got my attention :-). Like you, it all started out with tons of antibiotics as a child due to infections and one of those was indeed strep throat. When I was 15 I had a Tonsilectomy as well. When I was 16 Mono hit me and since then my spleen has been enlarged. When I was 19 and at University my immune system must have been really weak because I developed hayfever really bad out of the blue. Went to a naturopath here in the area a few years later and Candida was diagnosed . Once I got that treated my hayfever got better however was still here. At 27 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto however decided against hormones since I wasn’t feeling THAT bad. At 42, married and mother of 2, adrenal fatigue set in and that was when my thyroid started to flare up again. That was about the same time I read Medical Medium and like you, suspected EBV to behind my issues. I finally saw the similarities with how everything developed – it all started to make sense. My internal medicine doctor, who specializes in Orthomolecular Medicine knew that EBV was probably behind it all as well and tested. The past infection was gone but you could see that it been present again. Since then I have been taking Pregnenolon for my adrenals and a low dose of thyroid medicine and my labs are great again. Am gluten and dairy free, watch my stress levels and make sure to sleep well. The lifestyle change contributed to where I am now. EBV triggered my adrenal fatigue and is responsible for so many issues people have. It all boils down to having a really strong immune system.

    Another really helpful book on Chronic EBV was written by Sigrid Nesterenko – however I am not sure if it was translated into English. Very well researched.. with Natural Protocols.

    I am currently getting a degree at the International institute of Naturopathy in Switzerland as an Integrative Health Consultant.
    Like you, I am on a mission to 1.) get off the meds 2.) put EBV -and Hashimoto into remission and 3.) Help spread the word that we CAN heal!
    Thanks for the passionate work you do!
    Love from the other side of the Atlantic! ~Manuela

    • Manuela, wow! Thanks for sharing. I have a feeling so many other women have stories like ours. Sending you love from the US for healing and light! ~E

      • Stephanie says:

        Wow! Did you share what I needed to hear. It took me 21+ years to get a dx of chronic late stage Lyme disease + Co-infections, a very big mold hit, when we unknowingly moved into a heavily WDB (water damaged building) which exasperated the Lyme disease and nearly destroyed me and my family. Thankfully, through my faith and much wisdom in learning more about health than I thought possible, I survived and am still learning more. I recently went to a functional medicine Dr., in LA, who practices kinesiology and finds underlying viruses through muscle testing. After 25 years of fighting my way through a maze of misdiagnosis, being told there was nothing wrong with me, you name it, I have heard it, my new wise Dr., found not only the EBV, but retro viruses and one other that I would have to look up. I am currently treating with a few herbs, he prescribed and trying to eat broccoli sprouts daily, which help to kill viruses. I also plan to start drinking Cistus tea. Broccoli Sprouts and Cistus tea are two of the most prescribed from a very well known Dr., who treats chronically ill people. I look forward to reading the next part Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing.

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